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Buy and use biodegradable, eco- disposable bags, cups and tableware to make your businesses more eco-friendly

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Kūrimas: 10/11/2012 06:36
Atnaujinti: 10/11/2012 06:36
Straipsniai 1
Apsilankymai savaitės 960
Iš viso apsilankė 213

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biopacking :: Biopacking

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: Use Biodegradable bags to Save Environment - 10/11/2012 06:36

Many suppliers have taken steps to make their businesses more eco-friendly. One of the most popular changes they create is to substitute their frequent plastic content hand bags with paper handbags or biodegradable bags. If you look around you can recognize it that - Industries around the world generating 200 thousand plenty of plastic per year, but only a tiny proportion of those large numbers are re-cycled. Hence, changing to plastic handbags to eco-friendly materials (biodegradable bag etc) is making more sense! That is why many suppliers now using biodegradable bags to help decrease the amount of plastic waste. Well, another reason of using eco-friendly handbags is - Plastic is a synthetic material that does not break down, means it will stay as mess in a garbage dump if not re-cycled. But in the other hand biodegradable bags are synthetic materials which can be decomposed naturally. For those who do not know – biodegradable bags are 2 types - bioplastic and petroleum-based plastic. Bioplastic is created from raw components like corn or pea starch. And petroleum-based plastic simply contains additional ingredients that assist in the breaking down process. While both types of eco-friendly plastic are environment-friendly, many suppliers want to use bags that created of bioplastic most of the time. Well, if you are one of those suppliers looking for such type of eco-friendly handbags, then you can place your order online, but you have to be careful while choosing the right sorts of biodegradable bags. Here are a few things you should consider before making your purchase. Consider Quality - Look for biodegradable bag manufacturers known for the quality of their products. And pick the manufacturer that interests you and ask them to send you some free samples of their bags to get you confirm bout these eco-friendly bags. Consider Materials and Design - Don't forget that your store's bags are an important part of your branding, so they should be designed in a way that represents your brand properly, so make sure that the design is printed accurately. Consider Production and Delivery - Along with the above concern, also make sure about their production and supply schedules so that you can have your order on time. Consider Rates - Although Bags made of biodegradable plastic may cost you more than regular plastic bags, but still note that amount is still affordable. Switching to biodegradable bags might cost your business more money, but that seems you are paying a small price to give more attention to help your environment. So go for it! Biodegradable bags are available at If you want to make a purchase then you can make it from this store. For more details visit